Sonars, USBL and diver computers
Multibeam sonars, side scan sonars, positioning systems for ROV and divers
Multibeam sonars
Oculus M Series
These high frequency sonars with a range capability up to 200m and a resolution down to 2.5mm are capable of real-time feedback.
Side scan sonars
The innovative design of Starfish side scan sonars and their advanced performance make them the ultimate tools for inspection missions up to 50m.

USBL positioning system
The Seatrac from BluePrint Seatrac is an acoustic positioning system which allows locating a ROV or a diver from the surface.
Diver computers
The underwater computers Artemis are diver dedicated tools embedding GPS, DVL, USBL and multibeam imaging sonar Oculus.

Subsea Tech uses Blueprint products for its own needs and integrates them for its clients on Mini-ROV Guardian, USV Catarob or USV CAT-Surveyor.
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